Data preparation (1)

Working with missing values, and noisy data

For this Tutorial, you need to install the following libraries:

* matplotlib
* sklearn

You will also need to download the oil price data from here. We start by importing the most important libraries.

Understanding the data

Data profiling
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Before you can work on the data, you will need to upload the file on Google Colab (if you are using it). After that, you can read the csv as follows:

# TODO: read the csv file pid
df_oil = pd.read_csv('oil.csv', header = 0,
                 quotechar = '"',sep = ",",
                 na_values = ['na', '-', '.', ''])

The table contains two columns (date and dcoilwtico). ‘dcoilwtico’ contains missing values. Let us display the dataframe

TODO: display the dataframe

We can also visualize the data using the matplotlib library

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
TODO: define a variable X to hold the value {0, 1, 2, ..., len(df_oil) - 1}
Y = the values in the dcoilwtico
Plot Y against X as a scatter plot. 
X = range(len(df_oil))
Y = df_oil.dcoilwtico
plt.scatter(X, Y)
Plot the first 200 values of Y as a scatter plot. 
X = range(200)
Y = df_oil.dcoilwtico[:200]
plt.scatter(X, Y)

Recall that summary statistics and arithmetic with missing data is natively supported by pandas.The mean is computed normally and missing values are ignored:

TODO: Compute and print the mean value of dcoilwtico
TODO: Compute and print the mean value of dcoilwtico using a function from the numpy library

Min, Max, STD and Variance all work even when values are missing:

TODO: Compute and display the min, max, standard deviation and variance of dcoilwtico
np.min(df_oil.dcoilwtico), np.max(df_oil.dcoilwtico), np.std(df_oil.dcoilwtico)
TODO: Compute and display the min, max, standard deviation and variance of dcoilwtico
    using the functions from numpy. Compare the values with those from the previous 
    exercise. What is different and why?
df_oil.dcoilwtico.min(), df_oil.dcoilwtico.max(), df_oil.dcoilwtico.std()

The value for the standard deviation is different because in Pandas dataframe, the standard deviation is computing by dividing over \((n-1)\), where \(n\) is the number of values. In numpy, the standard deviation is computed by dividing over \(n\).

To get the same results from Pandas as numpy, we either pass ddof = 1 to the std function of numpy as follows np.std(df_oil.dcoilwtico, ddof = 1) or we pass ddof = 0 to the std function of pandas as follows df_oil.dcoilwtico.std(ddof = 0).

Incomplete data

Handling the missing values

First, deleting the records that contain missing values

Pandas has a function that allows deleting the rows in a dataframe (or elements in a series) that contain missing values.

TODO: create a new dataframe from the df_oil after deleting the records with missing values
df_oil_nona = df_oil.dropna()

However, very often you may wish to fill in those missing values rather than simply dropping them. Of course, pandas also has that functionality. For example, we could fill missing values with a constant. We do this for exercise only but you will learn later about more sophisticated techniques for data imputation.

TODO: replace the missing value with -99 in attribute dcoilwtico
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(-99)

That actually works with any data type.

TODO: fill the missing values with the string 'unknown' in attribute dcoilwtico
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna('unknown')

Moreover, we can use this functionality to fill in the gaps with the average value computed across the non-missing values.

TODO: replace the missing values with the average of the non-missing values
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(np.mean(A))

Since the values of dcoilwtico represent a time series reading, we can fill the missing values with the closest non-missing value before or after. We can do that in Python using the flags pad / ffill and bfill / backfill

TODO: fill the missing values in dcoilwtico with the values in the previous/furture records (no limit)
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(method = 'pad') # OR ffill for forward filling
TODO: fill the missing values in dcoilwtico with the values in the previous/furture records (no limit)
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(method = 'bfill') # OR backfill for backward filling

We can set a limit if we only want to replace consecutive gaps. We can observe the difference only for the values batween 1170 and 1180 as the values at indexes 1174 and 1175 are missing. You can see that after using limit = 1, one of the missing values will stay and the other will be filled.

TODO: fill the missing values in dcoilwtico with the value in the next record 
(the value of a record can be used in the previous record only)
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(method = 'backfill', limit = 1) # OR ffill for forward filling
Arithmetic operations on data with missing values

We can also perform element-wise arithmetic operations between series with missing data.

Remember: by definition, the result of any operation that involves missing values is NaN.

TODO: Perform element-wise addition (+) between the values in original dcoilwtico 
and the one that is filled with the values from previous records. Use the addition operator (+)
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(method = 'backfill') # OR ffill for forward filling
A + B
TODO: Find which function in the numpy library that can perform 
the pairwise addition between two lists and use it. 
Compare the results with the results from the previous exercise. 
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.fillna(method = 'backfill') # OR ffill for forward filling
np.add(A, B)

Noisy data

Handling the noisy data

In this exercise, we will apply the techniques that we learned about handling noisy data using the binning technique. First, we sort the data and partition it into (equal-frequency) bins Then one can smooth by bin means, smooth by bin median, smooth by bin boundaries, etc.

Example on small list of data:

import numpy as np
import math

# load iris data set
b = [4, 15, 26, 8, 34, 9, 21, 29, 21, 24, 25, 28]
b=np.sort(b) #sort the array

num_bins = 3
bin_size = math.ceil(len(b)/num_bins)

mean_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)
median_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)
boundary_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)

# # Bin mean
for i in range (0, len(b), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = b[i:i+bin_size]  
  m = np.mean(current)  
  for j in range(bin_size):
    mean_bins[k,j] = m
print("Smoothing by Mean: \n", mean_bins)

# # Bin median
for i in range (0, len(b), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = b[i:i+bin_size]  
  m = np.median(current)
  # print(current, '\t\t', m)
  for j in range(len(current)):
    median_bins[k,j] = m
print("Smoothing by Median: \n", median_bins)

# # Bin boundaries
for i in range (0, len(b), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = b[i:i+bin_size]  
  for j in range(len(current)):
    if (np.abs(current[j] - current[0]) <= np.abs(current[j] - current[-1])):
      boundary_bins[k,j] = current[0]
      boundary_bins[k,j] = current[-1]
print("Smoothing by Boundaries: \n", boundary_bins)

Using the oil dataset:

    1. extract the first 200 values from the attribute dcoilwtico and sort the values
    2. partition the data into different number of bin (10, 20, 25 and 40)
    3. for every partitioning, smooth the values using 
        the three different techniques and plot the smoothed curve

# Using Pandas
A = df_oil.dcoilwtico
B = A.dropna()
data = B[:200]

Preparing the bins

bin_size = 5
num_bins = math.ceil(len(data)/bin_size)

mean_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)
median_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)
boundary_bins = np.full(shape = (num_bins, bin_size), fill_value = None)

Smoothing by mean

# # Bin mean
for i in range (0, len(data), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = np.array(data[i:min(i + bin_size, len(data) - 1)])
  m = np.mean(current)  
  for j in range(len(current)):
    mean_bins[k,j] = m
# print("Smoothing by Mean: \n", mean_bins)
smoothed_list = [item for bin in mean_bins for item in bin]
plt.plot(range(len(smoothed_list)), smoothed_list, color = 'r')
plt.scatter(range(len(data)), data)

Smoothing by median

# # Bin median
for i in range (0, len(data), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = np.array(data[i:min(i + bin_size, len(data) - 1)])  
  m = np.median(current)
  # print(current, '\t\t', m)
  for j in range(len(current)):
    median_bins[k,j] = m
# print("Smoothing by Median: \n", median_bins)
smoothed_list = [item for bin in median_bins for item in bin]
plt.plot(range(len(smoothed_list)), smoothed_list, color = 'r')
plt.scatter(range(len(data)), data)

Smoothing by boundaries

# # Bin boundaries
for i in range (0, len(data), bin_size):
  k = int(i / bin_size)
  current = np.array(data[i:min(i + bin_size, len(data) - 1)])
  # print(i, np.array(current))
  for j in range(len(current)):
    if (np.abs(current[j] - current[0]) <= np.abs(current[j] - current[len(current)-1])):
      boundary_bins[k,j] = current[0]
      boundary_bins[k,j] = current[len(current)-1]
# print("Smoothing by Boundaries: \n", boundary_bins)
smoothed_list = [item for bin in boundary_bins for item in bin]
plt.plot(range(len(smoothed_list)), smoothed_list, color = 'r')
plt.scatter(range(len(data)), data)

Outlier detection

For this exercise, you will use the Pima Indians Diabetes Database.

df_pid = pd.read_csv('diabetes.csv', header = 0,
                 quotechar = '"',sep = ",",
                 na_values = ['na', '-', '.', ''])
The statistical approach

We start by detecting the outliers using a statistical method. We assume that the values are extracted from a normal distribution. We estimate the parameters of the normal distribution from the available data and use the condition that a value is considered outlier if the distance from the value to the mean is greater than 3 times the standard deviation.

TODO: Ignore the label column. 
    1. assume that the values in each column are extracted from a normal distribution, then estimate the parameters
    2. report the ouliers in each column using the statistical method
    3. plot the data after highlighting the outliers (normal in blue, outliers in red)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def stat_outliers (col):
    outliers = set()
    m = col.mean()
    s = col.std()
    for p in col.unique():
        if (abs(p-m) > 3 * s):
    outliers_indexes = col.isin(outliers)
    plt.plot(col, color='blue', marker='o', ms = 2, linewidth = 0)
    plt.plot(col, color='red', markevery = outliers_indexes, marker='*', ms = 6, linewidth = 0)
    return outliers

for col in df_pid.columns[:-1]:
    outliers = stat_outliers(df_pid[col])
    print("Outliers in column ", col, " are: ", outliers)
Outlier detection using KNN

Now, we use the k-nearest neighbours method to detect the outliers

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
    1. define a function to find the outliers and 
    2. plot the data after highlighting the outliers
First, we define a function to find the outlier and 
plot the data after highlighting the outliers
def knn_outliers(data, threshold, neigbors = 10):
    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors = neigbors)
    X = data.reshape(-1, 1)
    # fit model
    # distances and indexes of k-neaighbors from model outputs
    distances, indexes = nbrs.kneighbors(X)
    # plot mean of k-distances of each observation
    plt.plot(distances.mean(axis = 1))
    # visually determine cutoff values > 0.15
    outlier_index = np.where(distances.mean(axis = 1) > threshold)
    knn_outliers = list(outlier_index[0])
    plt.plot(data, color='black', marker='o', ms = 2, linewidth = 0)
    plt.plot(data, markevery = knn_outliers, color='red', marker='s', ms=7, fillstyle='none', linewidth=0)
    outliers = X[knn_outliers]
    return np.unique(outliers)
# Now, we iterate over the columns and find the outliers in each column
for col in df_pid.columns[:-1]:
    data = np.array(df_pid[col])
    outliers = knn_outliers(data, 0.75, 10)       # We can change these params.
    print("Attribute {} has {} as outliers".format(col, outliers))

We need to handle the attribute Insulin Separately with different threshold values

col = 'Insulin'
data = np.array(df_pid[col])
outliers = knn_outliers(data, 6, 10)        # We can change these params.
print("Attribute {} has {} as outliers".format(col, outliers))
print ("Number of outliers = ", len(outliers))
    use different values for the paramters and compare the results 
col = 'Insulin'
data = np.array(df_pid[col])
outliers = knn_outliers(data, 6, 15)        # We can change these params.
print("Attribute {} has {} as outliers".format(col, outliers))
print ("Number of outliers = ", len(outliers))

For Insulin, the parameters 6, 10 seems to be optimal.

Outlier detection using Local Outlier Factor

Now, we use the LOF method to detect the outliers

TODO: Apply LOF to find outliers in the data 
from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor
%matplotlib inline

def lof_outliers(data, threshold, neigbors = 10):
    clf = LocalOutlierFactor(n_neighbors = 10)
    X = data.reshape(-1, 1)
    lofOutiers = []
    for cc in range(len(clf.negative_outlier_factor_)):
        if clf.negative_outlier_factor_[cc] < -threshold:
    plt.plot(data, color='black', marker='o', ms=2, linewidth=0)
    plt.plot(data, markevery = lofOutiers, color='red', marker='s', ms=7, \
             fillstyle='none', linewidth=0)
    outliers = X[lofOutiers]
    return np.unique(outliers)
for col in df_pid.columns[:-1]:
    data = np.array(df_pid[col])
    outliers = lof_outliers(data, 1.0, 10)    
    print("Attribute {} has {} as outliers".format(col, outliers))
col = 'Insulin'
data = np.array(df_pid[col])
outliers = lof_outliers(data, 2, 10)
print("Attribute {} has {} as outliers".format(col, outliers))
print ("Number of outliers = ", len(outliers))
    use different values for the paramters and compare the results 
    which set of parameters gives reasonable results 

For each column, you can change the parmaeters when you call the lof_outliers

outliers = lof_outliers(data, 2, 10)