Indexing and data integration


In databases, indexes are used to speed up the retrieval of rows by creating a data structure that allows the database engine to quickly locate the required data. There are several types of indexe:

Single-Column Index

The most common type of index, created on a single column in a table. Useful for answer frequent queries on that specific column.

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON table_name(column_name);
Multi-Column (Composite) Index

An index created on multiple columns. It’s beneficial when queries involve multiple columns in the WHERE clause. It can be created using:

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON table_name(column1, column2);
Unique Index

Index to enforce uniqueness of the indexed column(s). This ensures that no two rows can have the same values for the indexed column(s). It can be created using:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_name ON table_name(column_name);
Implicit Index

Index that is automatically created by the Database Management System (DBMS) when you define a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint on a table.

Creating and deleting indexes

In this exercise, you will practice on creating and deleting indexes in a database. We can use the university database univdb-sqlite.db from here.

Listing the available indexes

After uploading the database, list the available indexes for a given table using the code:

PRAGMA index_list('student');

One index was listed sqlite_autoindex_student_1 this index was created on the primary key attribute.

Creating an index

Create an index using the code:

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON table_name(column_name);

Creating multiple indexes on different tables:

CREATE INDEX idx_studen_name ON student(name);
CREATE INDEX idx_dept_budget ON department (budget);
CREATE INDEX idx_inst_dept ON instructor (dept_name);
Deleting an index

Delete indexes from those that you have created using the code:

DROP INDEX idx_name;

Deleting the indexes that we created before:

DROP INDEX idx_studen_name;
DROP INDEX idx_dept_budget;
DROP INDEX idx_inst_dept;

Query Performance with and without Indexes

For this exercise, we will create a database with only one big table of synthetic data about employees.

Generating the data

Copy this code to Google colab and run it (You don’t have to fully understand how it works).

import sqlite3
import random
import datetime

NUM_ROWS = 5_000_000

conn = sqlite3.connect(f'employees_{NUM_ROWS}.db')
cur = conn.cursor()

    FirstName TEXT,
    LastName TEXT,
    Email TEXT UNIQUE,
    DepartmentID char(6),
    Salary REAL,
    HireDate DATE

def random_date(start, end):
    return start + datetime.timedelta(
        days=random.randint(0, int((end - start).days)))

first_names = [
    "John", "Jane", "Michael", "Emily", "James", "Patricia", "Robert", "Linda", "William", "Barbara",
    "David", "Elizabeth", "Joseph", "Susan", "Charles", "Margaret", "Thomas", "Dorothy", "Christopher", "Nancy",
    "Daniel", "Karen", "Matthew", "Betty", "Anthony", "Helen", "Mark", "Sandra", "Paul", "Ashley",
    "Steven", "Deborah", "Andrew", "Jessica", "Kenneth", "Sarah", "Joshua", "Laura", "Kevin", "Anna",
    "Brian", "Kimberly", "George", "Melissa", "Edward", "Michelle", "Ronald", "Emily", "Timothy", "Amanda",
    "Jason", "Angela", "Jeffrey", "Rebecca", "Ryan", "Cynthia", "Jacob", "Stephanie", "Gary", "Katherine",
    "Nicholas", "Shirley", "Eric", "Brenda", "Jonathan", "Catherine", "Stephen", "Christine", "Larry", "Marie",
    "Justin", "Janet", "Scott", "Samantha", "Brandon", "Carolyn", "Frank", "Rachel", "Gregory", "Heather",
    "Raymond", "Diane", "Benjamin", "Virginia", "Patrick", "Julie", "Alexander", "Joyce", "Jack", "Victoria",
    "Dennis", "Olivia", "Jerry", "Christina", "Tyler", "Kelly", "Aaron", "Emma", "Jose", "Lauren"
last_names = [
    "Smith", "Johnson", "Williams", "Brown", "Jones", "Garcia", "Miller", "Davis", "Rodriguez", "Martinez",
    "Hernandez", "Lopez", "Gonzalez", "Wilson", "Anderson", "Thomas", "Taylor", "Moore", "Jackson", "Martin",
    "Lee", "Perez", "Thompson", "White", "Harris", "Sanchez", "Clark", "Ramirez", "Lewis", "Robinson",
    "Walker", "Young", "Allen", "King", "Wright", "Scott", "Torres", "Nguyen", "Hill", "Flores", "Green",
    "Adams", "Nelson", "Baker", "Hall", "Rivera", "Campbell", "Mitchell", "Carter", "Roberts", "Gomez",
    "Phillips", "Evans", "Turner", "Diaz", "Parker", "Cruz", "Edwards", "Collins", "Reyes", "Stewart",
    "Morris", "Morales", "Murphy", "Cook", "Rogers", "Gutierrez", "Ortiz", "Morgan", "Cooper", "Peterson",
    "Bailey", "Reed", "Kelly", "Howard", "Ramos", "Kim", "Cox", "Ward", "Richardson", "Watson",
    "Brooks", "Chavez", "Wood", "James", "Bennett", "Gray", "Mendoza", "Ruiz", "Hughes", "Price",
    "Alvarez", "Castillo", "Sanders", "Patel", "Myers", "Long", "Ross", "Foster", "Jimenez", "Powell"

domains = ['', '', '']

start_date =, 1, 1)
end_date =, 12, 31)
locations = ['AM', 'UT', 'RT', 'EN']

for i in range(NUM_ROWS):
    first_name = f'{random.choice(first_names)}_{i%10000}'
    last_name = f'{random.choice(last_names)}_{i%10000}'
    email = f"{first_name.lower()}.{last_name.lower()}{i}@{random.choice(domains)}"
    department_id = locations[random.randint(0, 3)] + str(random.randint(1, 100))
    salary = round(random.uniform(30000, 150000), 2)
    hire_date = random_date(start_date, end_date).isoformat()

    INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, Email, DepartmentID, Salary, HireDate)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
    ''', (first_name, last_name, email, department_id, salary, hire_date))

    if i % 100000 == 0:
        print(f"inserted numberd of rows {i}")


print(f"Database with {NUM_ROWS} rows created successfully!")

Download the generated database and upload it to DB-Browser.

Testing the performance of the queries

For each of the following queries perform the following task:

  1. Run the query and record the running time.
  2. Create an index on the column that is specified in the query.
  3. Run the query again with the indexed column and record the running time.

The queries:

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE LastName="Adams_278";
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary = 66355.3;

Since the salary is randomly generated, this value might not be in your database. You may start by displaying a few records from the Employees table and pick one of the values in the salary column.

SELECT DISTINCT  DepartmentID FROM Employees WHERE DepartmentID = 'EN98' AND Salary = 93080.25;

Similar to the previous queries, you may display a few records first and select values that are in the same record for the DepartmentID and the Salary.

SELECT DISTINCT  DepartmentID FROM Employees;

It can be clearly observed that indexing improves the query time. For example:

For the first query, running time before indexing = 602 ms and after indexing 15 ms.
For the second query, running time before indexing = 613 ms and after indexing 16 ms.
For the third query, running time before indexing = 666 ms and after indexing 14.3 ms.
For the fourth query, running time before indexing = 1809 ms and after indexing 345 ms.