Text clustering


Author One

Author Two

Author Three


October 16, 2023


This is a quarto file. If you open its source in RStudio, you will get all the features of this interactive notebook-style document. If you want to know more about how to use this file to generate a .html document to hand in, look at the getting started guide.

(Delete this callout box before handing in your assignment.)


# your R code to load the data here

Data description

Describe the data and use a visualization to support your story. (approx. one or two paragraphs)

# your R code to generate the plot here

movie_review %$% wordcloud(review, 
                           min.freq = 10, 
                           max.words = 50, 
                           random.order = FALSE,
                           colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

Text pre-processing

Describe text pre-processing steps you have used (approx. one or two paragraphs)

Text representaion

Briefly describe your text representation method. (approx. one or two paragraphs)

Text clustering

Briefly describe which models you compare to perform clustering. (approx. two or three paragraphs)

Evaluation & model comparison

Describe how you compare the methods and why. (approx. two or three paragraphs)

  model       = c("clustering model 1", "clustering model 2"),
  performance = c(1.2, 1.8),
  other       = c(0.5, 0.3),
  notes       = c("Some note", "another note")
model performance other notes
clustering model 1 1.2 0.5 Some note
clustering model 2 1.8 0.3 another note

Team member contributions

Write down what each team member contributed to the project.

  • Author One: a, b, c
  • Author Two: b, c, d
  • Author Three: a, b, d